Irrational fear of getting in debt.
Etymology: χρέος (Greek for debt) (Romanised to chréos) + phobia.
Etymology: χρέος (Greek for debt) (Romanised to chréos) + phobia.
After their sovereign debt crisis an the Grexit dilemma, the people of Greece became sufferers of chreosophobia.
Irrational fear of getting in debt.
Etymology: χρέος (Greek for debt) (Romanised to chréos) + phobia.
Etymology: χρέος (Greek for debt) (Romanised to chréos) + phobia.
After their sovereign debt crisis an the Grexit dilemma, the people of Greece became sufferers of chreosophobia.
Irrational fear of getting in debt.
Etymology: χρέος (Greek for debt) (Romanised to chréos) + phobia.
Irrational fear of getting in debt.
Etymology: χρέος (Greek for debt) (Romanised to chréos) + phobia.
After their sovereign debt crisis an the Grexit dilemma, the people of Greece became sufferers of chreosophobia.