Chris O’Clock Meal
An obscenely large last-night meal containing a disturbing blend of leftovers, processed foods and/or similar hog-feed, piled onto a single plate and carelessly mashed together; covered in cheese. Nutrition Facts: Contains 5700-17000 calories.
Night of: “It’s saturday night and everyone’s asleep. Time for a Chris O’Clock Meal.”
Morning after, awaking to a trashed house and a disturbing meaty/cheesy smell: “Holy shit! Looks like someone had a Chris O’clock Meal last night! Fuuucckkk, what a mess to cleanup.”
Morning after, awaking to a trashed house and a disturbing meaty/cheesy smell: “Holy shit! Looks like someone had a Chris O’clock Meal last night! Fuuucckkk, what a mess to cleanup.”