

俚语 christian deism

Christian Deism

Christian Deism is a belief system held, by Christian Deists.
Christian Deism is a hybrid belief and philosophy. That there is a Supreme being or creator of the universe. and that said Creator/Supreme Being, can be known by using reason and observation of the natural world. (Deism)

This God can be known by two basic "commandments" or laws. That were endowed to humanity and possibly all of life. These commandments are seen as being best summarized in the Judeo-Christian tradition as “love for God and love for neighbor." Christian deists for this reason believe that true original Christianity is the belief in the two commandments. They believe that the figure of Jesus regardless of whether he was real or mythical…was a deist, who was anointed by God to preach the natural laws, which he called the gospel. (Christian). Jesus is not seen as a prophet but a great man, who realized that instinctively the laws are known by all people. They believe that to be restored in life and possibly to achieve salvation, from sin (disobedience) a person must obey and declare allegiance to the laws/commandments.

To obey these laws Christian deists, must love themselves, so they can enjoy, appreciate, and experience life, which is seen as a gift from God. (Love for God) and they must try to love others (Love for neighbor).
I knew a guy who claimed to be a Christian deist, that is a practitioner of Christian Deism. He said believed in Jesus the man, he believed in one God, that the institution of a church is obsolete, the miracles probably didn't happen, the resurrection didn't occur, the virgin birth didn't happen, Angels and demons may or may not exist, The Old Testament and much of the New Testament is crap and Everyone was saved by God and because of the law being known in the heart and he believed everyone went to Heaven after going to hell for a while.




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