

俚语 christopher columbus's

Christopher Columbus

An Italian explorer who rediscovered a continent that most Europeans at the time had no previous knowledge of, and whose voyages set off further exploration and colonization of this "New World," resulting in his being credited for its discovery.
Things CAN be discovered more than once. In general, people in Europe didn't know about the Americas before Columbus' voyages, and the resulting colonization means that most of the people living in the Americas today are at least partially descended from Europeans. No one alive today who says that Columbus discovered America actually thinks the land was uninhabited when he found it. The proper understanding is that, from a eurocentric point of view, Christopher Columbus discovered America, which is true.

Christopher Columbus

An italian admiral famous for having discovered the Salvador islands in october 1492. He reached his destination after over 70 days of navigation, and erroneously thought he landed in the eatern Indies, hence the term "Western Indies" to refer to America (which takes the name after another famous italian explorer, Amerigo Vespucci) and the use of "Indian" to refer to north american natives. Recently the image of Columbus was defiled by left leaning political agendas that labeled him as a murderous power hungry invader, yet despite this people always forget that without him the modern geopolitical landscape of the New World woudn't exist, including the USA. He was a great man who had the balls to venture through uncharted waters with the ever looming risk to never come back, and he deserves every bit of respect one could possibly give. Also despite Leif Eriksson having discovered modern Terranova 200 years earlier, he never created trade routes nor permanent colonies and thus his contribution to exploration can be considered negligible compared to Columbus.
Christopher Columbus' statue was recently defiled by a bunch of brainwashed rich college boys with guilt complexes

christopher columbus

Christopher Columbus was an Italian navigator in the service of Spain who opened the New World to exploration. On October 12, 1492 he landed on San Salvador Island in the Bahamas with 3 ships he commanded; the Niña, the Pinta, and the Santa María. This day is known as Columbus Day. Americans observe Columbus Day on the second Monday in October (the same day as Thanksgiving in Canada).
Christopher Columbus was born on 1451 in Genoa, Italy and died on 1506 in Valladolid, Spain. His name is Cristóbal Colón in Spanish and Cristoforo Colombo in Italian.

Christopher Columbus

a bitch.
"hmm I wonder who Christopher Columbus is.."
"hes a bitch."

christopher columbus

According to what school tells you: A great man who accidentally discovered America when no one else could find it.

Reality: A greedy piece of genocidal shit who wasn't the first person to find America, the Native Americans discovered America before anyone else and after the Native Americans found America, vikings discovered America, and a several explorers found it too. But for some reason, Columbus ends up taking all the credit for something the Native Americans discovered.To add insult to injury, he ends up enslaving a bunch of Native Americans to take to Spain as slaves (this is 100% true) and his Spanish sailors and him killed approximately 8 million Native Americans (also true) Talk about some major bullshit.
Teacher: And that's how Christopher Columbus discovered America when no one else did.
4th grader: *raises his hand*
Teacher: Yes, Timmy?
4th grader: Didn't the Native Americans discover America first?
Teacher: Nope, it was Columbus!
4th grader: I'm pretty sure it was the Native Americans.
4th grader: But-
Teacher: THAT IS IT! YOU ARE GOING TO WRITE "Columbus discovered America, not the Native Americans." 50 TIMES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

christopher columbus

1.An Italian sailor who is wrongfully given credit for "discovering the New World."Most of our high school history textbooks make him out to be a hero, when really, he was a greedy and genocidal maniac who enjoyed raping children. He killed, with the help of his Spanish sailors, around 8,000,000 people in less than 10 years- and that was just on Haiti.

1. In fourteen hundred and ninety three
Christopher Columbus stole all he could see.

Christopher Columbus

a guy who found America after the native Americans and after the Vikings and he also commit genocide against the native Americans and rapped minors after he enslaved them and brang them yo Spain so don't celebrate st.patricks day
christopher columbus = old hitler




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