

俚语 chronosynclastic


The name given to someone who exists for the sole purpose of correcting grammar written by others. This type of person frequents online forums continuously for the sole purpose of intimidating others. The name has been associated with gay teachers who strive for the attention they were refused as a child.
Chronosynclastic thinks that he is a smart ass.


The name given to someone who exists for the sole purpose of correcting grammar written by others. This type of person frequents online forums continuously for the sole purpose of intimidating others. The name has been associated with gay teachers who strive for the attention they were refused as a child.
Chronosynclastic thinks that he is a smart ass.

chronosynclastic infundibulum

n. A point in space where, upon a person entering it, that person's existence in space-time ceases to be linear, becoming discrete. This means that a person that has entered a chronosynclastic infundibulum exists at multiple points and lines in space-time. For example, such a person could exist at all points in time in one place and also appear at another point for five minutes.

From Kurt Vonnegut's "The Sirens of Titan."
Winston Niles Rumfoord's entrance into the chronosynclastic infundibulum allowed him to exist simultaneously on Titan and also occasionally on Earth.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 23:41:43