

俚语 aerial


Amazing girl, will drive any man crazy to have her. Knows how to control men, too gorgoues for her own good. But wont ever want to know it. You wont ever meet anyone like her so hold on. Shes, beauitful, funny, with a nice body, smart and independent no dought the most amazing person ever. She usually has low self esteem and is unsually a good friend. Deserves respect because she always shows it.
Aerial... she's amazing man.

I love Aerial.


An Aerial is a majestic unicorn who is disguised as a human of the female persuasion till the age of 50. Generally, it looks like a ginger kid, and has a last name that people mistakenly pronounce as pooh.
"You're a ginger kid!"
"No, you are incorrect. I am actually an Aerial,"



a superb song by System of a Down. with such awesome words like: "life is a waterfall, we're one in the river and one again after the fall" and "we drink from the river then we turn around and put up our walls" this song is an appropriate (water-based) take on life. and with a music video featuring people who seem to have been left in a wind tunnel overnight, who's to argue that this is a stone-cold classic.
"we are the ones who wanna play, always wanna win but ya never wanna lose"


A no handed cartwheel which looks awesome when done correctly
man have you seen that guys Aerials and Axe2Aerials? they are insane!


When in a public restroom get up ontop of a stall placing both of your legs on the walls and taking a shit trying to land it in the toilet.
We all listened as Dave set up for an aerial, we listened for either a splash or splat.


plural of the word "aerial" which is a move in martial arts and gymnastics where you do a cartwheel without touching the ground with your hands.
-lets go out and practice aerials!
-i can do 3 aerials in a row.
-your aerials are really clean

i roxor your boxors


sometimes can be nice. loves some dude but likes another alot. likes some black people. mainly guys with big weiners. she can be mean sometimes like her bestfriend. most aerial's are the hairy type. i would call it kinda like a grimlin.
aerial, your lookin like a grimlin today, have u shaved latley?




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更新时间:2024/9/20 20:41:11