Referring to a vape, usually a Juul. It can also be referring to vape pods or e juice.
Guy: Chad, do you got any chuz?
Chad: I have a little, but I was ripping it a ton earlier.
Chad: I have a little, but I was ripping it a ton earlier.
The Chuz is a derivative of the cuz, except far more chuzzy. There exists only one true Chuz, but people can exhibit characteristics that are chuzzy.
Adam says: Such a Chuz.
Cameron replies: No, you are.
Cameron replies: No, you are.
Discretely put: The secretion of a choad.
That's the tastiest chuz I've ever had!!
Is the stuff on the bottom of the bottle of cordial.. the dry junk.
Generally anything
Generally anything
Lets shot the cuz from the bottle.
or for just anything.. man your such a piece of chuz.
or for just anything.. man your such a piece of chuz.
An asshole, particularly one who is stoned.
Dude, stop being such a chuz and give me the chips!
chuz, made up by moi. means simply goodbye. originating from the german word 'tschüss' it has morphed into 'chuz'
You:Bye, see you tomorrow!
Moi: chuz!
Moi: chuz!
chuz machine
A fat vaporizer
Hey man, you got your chuz machine?