Exclamation, expressing good wishes on parting at night or before going to bed.
Generally considered a more interesting alternative to other variations such as "goodnight", presumably due to its Italian influences.
"Ciaonighto" and its variants also provide more specific reference to the time of day, than common alternatives; acknowledging that parting a conversation prior to sleep can occur at any time of the day. Popular variants include "ciaomorningo", "ciaojustpastmidnighto", and "ciao10:10o".
Generally considered a more interesting alternative to other variations such as "goodnight", presumably due to its Italian influences.
"Ciaonighto" and its variants also provide more specific reference to the time of day, than common alternatives; acknowledging that parting a conversation prior to sleep can occur at any time of the day. Popular variants include "ciaomorningo", "ciaojustpastmidnighto", and "ciao10:10o".
Ciaonighto. See you tomorrow. :), Sweet as. Ciaonighto :D, :putnam: