

俚语 ciking


A derogatory term for adherents of the Christian denomination "Christian Identity" associating their beliefs with that of the Talmud.

Developed late 2019 by imposing "Christian Identity"'s abbreviation CI with the derogative term for Jews "kike" to form "CIke", which is often pronounced "sike".
"Cikes aren't real Christians and prefer the teachings of the Talmud over the Christian bible."


A Malay slang which has quite a lot of definitions

1. Used to make ones statement as a sarcasm or a joke. Usually followed by throwing some weird gang sign.

English ver= "jk/just kidding"

2. Used when you're surprised or felt suspicious of a statement

English ver= "seriously?"

3. A bit or small amount of something

4. Placed at the end of a sentence which doesn't contribute to the sentence at all

1. Weh, muka kau hodoh siak. Ciked.
(Dude, your face looks like a dustbin. Just kidding.)

2. Kena pergi makmal ciked?

(We need to go to the lab, seriously?)

3. Nak ayam ciked

(Can I have a small portion of your chicken)

4. Lawak ciked
(Haha very funny)


a term used to describe someone who is a cunt, bitch, or useless.
you're such a little cike. shut up you cike.


An offensive term used to describe a Jewish person. Equivalent to nigger or spic.
Fuck Mr Goldstein, hes such cike.


To engage in sexual activity; To Fuck; To have Sex
We ciked on my kitchen table last night. It was some really hardcore shit.

My mum almost caught me and her cikeing. My damn bed is so springy.

filip cikes

Fil cakes aka fil from chikesh, thickesh, cheeks or round head is a bubba with some flubba, who earns 10k per week and also his dad is from a place that is real called chikesh. fil cakes 101 also loves mma and thinks he is the heavy fat champion. fildo also has a jaw, and i know, i know ur laughing thinking is this guy retarded but yes he does actually have a jaw its just playing hide and seek.

Absolutely No one:

Filip cikes: *nom* *nom* *nom* ugh are u gonna eat that?


The combination of camping and hiking. Normally used when someone goes hiking while on a camping trip (which is quite often).
I just can't wait to go ciking with you guys!
My weekend is free - want to go ciking sometime?
I secretly love ciking!




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