

俚语 claimed by bulk

claimed by bulk

a protoplasmatic "challenged person" (fat person) whose body has been 'claimed' by a mass of useless "bulk" , usually from a poor diet and/or lack of exercise. this is considered patriotic here in america, where " fat is where it's at !"
individuals from most countries around the world are HORRIFIED when they see the bulkers here !

(emperor's new clothes alert!) : in a politically correct world, despite the opinions of most doctors, "bulk" is now seen as 'normal' !!

can also be used as: 'claimed'
seen jan lately ? no, have you ? yes! , she's now claimed by bulk !

lauren, once quite a "package", now claimed by bulk !

he looked like farmer brown's pig named sloppy! , claimed by bulk !

she let herself get 'claimed' ! it was seriously SAD !




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更新时间:2024/9/20 14:47:46