

俚语 clamily


A close knit group of friends from all over the world that are as close as Family. They come together and lift each other up and have lots of laughter. They battle for fun using aerial attacks and wear all types of Hats. They can destroy buildings and Swine using a 7 tiered arsenal attack that includes a big blast of dynamite named Bomb; a large red bowling ball named Terrance, a Kamakazi named Silver, a tri-polar ice crasher named Blue, a precise egg dropper named Matilda, a building mover named Red and a wood demolition expert named Chuck. They have 4 other Warriors that awaken during battle, Stella is a pink bubble dropper carrying off structures, Bubbles can inflate and destroy many structures, Leonard throws snot and Hal the boomerang. This Warrior Family will battle on land, sea, lava, outer space. They are paid with Gems, Feathers, Hats and Black Pearls to make them stronger. They don’t give up and they call themselves Down & Dirty. Even when mismatched in battles they fight to the finish.
You won’t find a better group of people than our clamily.


In the game golf clash there are groups of people who you choose to associate with, they become like a family.

Clan + family = clamily
Rough Bump is more like a clamily and that is why everyone wants to be a part of it!




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更新时间:2024/9/20 23:30:51