

俚语 clara maria

clara maria

Most Claras use cute nicknames such as Clare, Clary, Clari or maybe just Clara. They are beautiful, the greatest ladies ever. Someone who knows exactly her best friend feelings. She isn't so romatic and can't get a boyfriend easily, but when a Clara fall in love, she can't stop loving. Her best friend is like her soul sister and likes an amazing guy with a cool personality, but he will do like if he don't care about her.
Can make friends easily and most of Clara's have a big family with more than five member in. She will fall in love with someone brunette green-eyed tall and a nice man. Claras can sing beautiful but never will show her talent. She and her best friend soon will become hommies. Claras are gorgeous and pretty-nice ladies.
Mike: Look Clara (Clara Maria) I'm totally in love with her.
Stephan: I like her too, but her best friend is hottest.

Maria clara

María Clara she is awesome she has an amazing person and a great friend she is kind loving caring beautiful sexy hot and is very protective of what she cares about she is the most amazing person you could know she's a great friend and she's really honest she'll never lied to you and always tells you the truth no matter what she knows what she wants and cares she is outstanding and doesn't care about what people say about her she always fights for what you want she will never leave you on the hard times and even sometimes you can get a little bit mad trust me you do not want to get her mind she's the most wonderful friend there could be in this this entire world you would be lucky to know Mary Academy because if you trust her and she gives you your trust and she loves you there's that's the most wonderful person that could be the great friend she always has your back and no matter what she always defends you she doesn't care what people say about you if you're her friend but she does offend you the parents when they their kidney or bladder they have a beautiful taste María Clara es Estanislao meaning for Clara means clear and Maria it's a word for truthful she is the most amazing person you will ever meet in the whole entire world because of how he treats you and how she loves you.
Hey look at Maria clara she is so hot.


A girls name usually latin-american. She displays characteristics such as: funny, cras, open, loves animals, over uses facial features. Enjoys biology and making people laugh. However, she has a nack for being two-faced and lies constantly. Isn't trustworthy and holds a grudge. Don't get on bad side. She is stubborn and won't accept her faults. Can put friends in awkward situations and you can never tell what's true with her. She is smart and a tom-boy and enjoys classical music. Not the greatest person. Don't worry if you lose her ss a friend.
Bob: who's that latin girl over there?
James: dunno maybe she's a maria-clara?

Maria Clara

Maria Clara is a great person. She is the extrovert friend that everybody wish that one day, they could be a good friend of hers. She is a sporty like person and really strong. Her name means “clear sovereign lady”, “bright sovereign lady” or “pure and luminous woman”. She is very beautiful, even if she thinks she is not. She is a scared person, but she is not “girly” at all. If you are in a bad mood, she can make u happy and excited. Also, she is a LOVELY person. She is also beautiful inside. She is so good at soccer and cooking.
Person 1: “woah!! She is amazing! What’s her name again?”
Person 2: “it is probably Maria Clara.”




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更新时间:2024/9/20 17:20:43