

俚语 clarinetting


(Verb) The act of a white woman fellating a black man's penis, so called both because of the similarities between a black penis and a clarinet (long black and cylindrical) and the fact that traditionally homely white girls play the clarinet.
"When she told her parents she was going over to her boyfriends house to go Clarinetting, they had no idea she meant she was going to go suck her black boyfriends cock."


A sexual act, pertaining to the fallating of the penis, in which the fallatator blows down the urethra while firmly gripping the base. This only occurs at the end of an oral session before he finna bust that nut in order to increase stamina during sex.
Guy 1: So last night my girl was giving me head and I knew she wanted sex after .
Guy 2: So what did you do?
Guy 1: Let's just say she was clarinetting at the end and I was all ready for round two.
Guy 2: What?


An instrument, but also used as a women's name
Aliza: for the band recitle i will be playing a clarinet

Tristan: I knew a bitch named clarinet


A B flat pitched woodwind instrument, normally used in concert, marching, and jazz bands. A clarinet has a very large range, over 3 octaves, as well as a warm tone quality when played correclty. Clarients are black and most commonly made of grenadilla wood or African blackwood or plastic, with nickel or silver keys. It is 2 feet and 2 1/4 inches long. A clarinet uses a reed to produce a tone. Overall, the clarinet may be one of the most, if not the most versitile instrument in any band or orchestra because of its huge range and different sounds as you change through the octaves. When played correctly, all the octaves can sound beautiful and smooth transitions are possible.
The clarinet soloist switched through her ranges without difficuty and the beautiful sound that was produced was like that of a lullaby.


An instrument made of complete win. Usually the band directors favorite section due to the fact that they actually learn their parts, and don't talk while they're talking. Most of the time are in tune
Teacher: Clarinets and Flutes play measures 17-23.

*they play*
Teacher: Good job clarinets. Flutes, you need practice so you can sound like the clarinets.


1. The woodwind version of a trumpet(as far as parts are concerned).
2. Proof that God cares about us.
3. God's own instrument.
4. The most dedicated section in band.
5. Something only intelligent people are capable of playing.
6. Rival of the flute section in marching band, and secretly plan to take over the woodwind section after the flute line is demolished.
Ex. 1
Trumpet Player 1: The clarinets are playing our part better than we are.

Trumpet Player 2: I know, maybe we should switch.

Ex. 2
Devil: To torcher these poor mortals I'll create the trumpet.

God: To show mercy on these people, I'll create an instrument that is the most heavenly of all. I'll call it a clarinet.

Ex. 3
Minister praying: God, what instrument do you play?

God: My servant, I play the clarinet.

Ex 4.

Clarinetist: I think I should practice till my lips bleed, so I can mske All-State.

Ex 5:
Trumpet Player: I got an 850 on my SAT and I play trumpet.

Clarinet Player: I got a perfect 2400, and I Play clarinet.

Ex 6:
Flute Section Leader: Ok flutes, we have to step up our game, against those clarinet players. They're kicking our ass on the field.

Clarinet Section Leader: Clarinets, yall have nothing to worry about. Now when practice is over, remember where we hid our mace, tar and feathers, and assume positions. Then we'll take over the marching band, and then the world...mwahahahahahahhaahahhahahah.


warm, noble, bright-sounding instrument when played by a GOOD player
anyone who thinks clarinet's a piece of crap: hey, how well can u play it? maybe u have not seen a good clarinetist yet...




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