

俚语 clattered


Very drunk
I was absolutly clattered last night


Irish. meaning to hit/strike someone.
Some arsehole was slagging my girlfriend last night so I took him outside and clattered the shit out of him.


To have moderately disappointing to average sex
I clattered that girl Amy last night, enough said.


Northern Irish; meaning "group", or "a number of"
there was a clatter of boys standing about


This word has various meanings, it can mean to bang, both have sex and actually hit off someone ' i clattered into this young one last night '
It can also mean an unruly mob 'a clatter of young fella's'
It can also mean rough ' I clatter fucked that yoke last night'
It is also a type of divine burger ' pass me that clatter burger please'
I drank a clatter of beer then clattered into some lads after which I clatter fucked some bird and then we both ate some clatter burgers.


dem bitches was makin serious clatter when we was sexin

Clatter Fudge

The yeasty white discharge formed by the vagina. Often found in discarded undies or on the penis after sex.
I was putting some washing in the washing machine when I noticed my wife's thong riddled with clatter fudge.




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