The unconscious theft of Pens. Also known as Cleptopenamania.
The person who steals pens from the grocery store, bank, or post office must have cleptopenia (Klep-toe-pen-ee-uh)
Suffered by somenone who can't help himself stealing coworker's pens, although subconsciously.
Hey Jack, do you suffer from cleptopenia? It's the fourth pen you stole from my desk in the last week...
The unconscious theft of Penises. Also known as Cleptopenisania.
the hooker commited cleptopenia after i refused to pay her 20 dollars to suck my dick
One who has an uncontrollable desire to steal other men's virginity.
Pretty self-explanatory. Cleptopenia
Cleptopenia: A mental state or strong desire that drives a person to steal pens.
Mark loves stealing pens, he suffers from Cleptopenia and has become a Scriptoclepto.