

俚语 click it and stick it

click it and stick it

A phrase used by many American right-thinking, freedom-loving people who are keenly aware of the continual erosion of civil rights, privacy and disintigration of Constitutional liberties brought on by whiney, liberal nanny-state do-gooders who think big government is needed to protect individuals from themselves.
I was riding in Frank's car, napping in the passenger seat when the cop pulled us over. I got ticketed for not wearing my seat belt. Seat belt, my ass... it's now an oppression belt! I say CLICK IT AND STICK IT!

Click Your Stick

Performing a crude sexual act, especially teabagging.

Derived from the Xbox, where clicking your left joystick often makes you crouch, and on many online games, perhaps most notably Halo, people would teabag their fallen opponents by "clicking their stick" while standing on the corpse.
man 1: what did you do last night
man 2: dude my girlfriend totally let me click my stick on her!

click your stick

click stick

What is commonly referred to as a: Television remote
Jeremy: Yo fart-gargler, where'd you hide the click stick?
Donnie: Check the couch!




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更新时间:2024/9/20 19:45:38