

俚语 closeted weeb

Closet Weeb

Closet Weeb - A weeb/weebs madly obsessed with anime and they don't admit to other people that they are in-fact weebs.
Brandon was enjoying another episode of Bible Black with his dany body pillow . His friend Dumala asked him the next day "Hey Ronald! are you a weeb?" Brandon responded saying "I don't care about anime at all" even though he watches it all the time. Dumala then said "you sure you aren't a closet weeb Little Ronald?" Brandon responded saying "I'm not one of them"

Closet weeb

Someone who avidly denies that they are a weeb even if they are one - may involve insulting other weebs to hide their own weebiness
"Hey zuke, are you a weeb"
"No, you are the weeb trash, I don't watch that garbage you weeb"
"but you do watch it, you closet weeb"

Closet Weeb

A weeb that never likes to acknowledge that he/she is a weeb. They will often insult other weebs, or say that the anime that they are watching is “too mainstream” These closet weebs often watch Naruto or Dragon Ball, and often say “they’re to mainstream to be an anime” But we all know that they are a weeb.
Mike likes Dragon Ball Z and makes fun of Daniel for being a weeb. He likes saying that he isn’t a weeb, but Daniel always calls him a closet weeb

closet weeb

A weeb who does not admit to themselves that they are a weeb, ie. Josh
Josh is such a closet weeb.

Closeted Weeb

A Closeted Weeb person who may call themselves a Sophisticated foreign media consumer, but has watched more than 1 anime.
Closeted Weeb: I’m not a Weeb I just like anime including one piece
Person 2:No you’re just a fucking Weeb




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更新时间:2024/9/20 16:39:45