Delilah Gonzales is a small tiktok creator and mentioned that she loved clouds. It helps her relax and she feels the same with her fans. So using her last name and clouds, she combined it and got 'Cloudzales' pronounced: Cl•ow•d•zal•es
Person: Are you a Dunkin or Sunrae or???
Cloudzales: No I'm a Cloudzales. A really big fan of Delilah Gonzales.
Person: Who is that???
Cloudzales: A small tiktok creator. Not so big but I love her! Here is her user @_delilah..gallagher_ or @two._.random.._..peeps
Person: Thanks? Oh wow she really is good!
Cloudzales: No I'm a Cloudzales. A really big fan of Delilah Gonzales.
Person: Who is that???
Cloudzales: A small tiktok creator. Not so big but I love her! Here is her user @_delilah..gallagher_ or @two._.random.._..peeps
Person: Thanks? Oh wow she really is good!