

俚语 clownfish's


Clownfishing: (Clownfished) When a man gets tricked or catfished by a woman wearing so much makeup that she looks nothing like her real face. Literally wearing as much makeup as a clown.
I thought I met the perfect girl last night, but after she came out of the shower this morning I realized I've been clownfished.


(of an already-dominant person) To submit to a more dominant person in a relationship, most commonly used in the context of a person becoming a malewife to support their girlboss.
"I saw this pretty girl at school today. She's super tall and hot, I'd absolutely clownfish for her."


If someone clownfishes you, it means you send someone a message, and they ignore it but still use their account.

Dude 1: Yo, did that girl reply to you?
Dude 2: No she didn’t but she changed her profile picture and replied to people on there!
Dude 1: So she clownfished you? That’s rough!


Someone who is a joke, or silly.
Tim is a clownfish for overusing 'clownfish'.


When a person changes there gender to be the opposite of whoever they're dating.
Mike: "Yo do you know what happened to Greg and James being a couple?"
Brad: "Yeah Greg changed genders to be a female, and is now Brittany."
Mike: "Bro what Greg is clownfishing now?
Brad: "yeah I guess"


A role in which a straight and cisgendered actor plays a gay/bisexual/transgendered/et cetera (see: QUILTBAGPIPE) role in a film or other media entertainment.

Named after the clownfish's ability to change its sex.
Has David Tennant done a clownfish yet? I don't know if Casanova counts.


A species of fish that you will look at and scream "Nemo!"
Me: Look! That's Nemo!
Friend: You idiot! That's a clownfish!
Me: Duh...same thing. Nemo is a clownfish.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 9:36:53