

俚语 club sandwich

club sandwich

a sandwich that you can order at any restaurant... even if you're not a member of the club!
"I order the club sandwich all the time, but I'm not even a member, man. I don't know how I get away with it." --Mitch Hedberg

Club Sandwich

Similar to a threesome but involves 5 people, 3 male and 2 female, in a stack arrangement that resembles a Club Sandwich. In order to hold the stack together one of the women must wear a strap-on otherwise known as the 'toothpick' in the sandwich.
Could my two friends and I interest you ladies in a Club Sandwich?

Club Sandwich

Similar to a 'sandwich grind' seen at a nightclub with a girl and 2 guys on either side. However, a Club Sandwich involves more than 3 people.

The phrase derives from two sources; (1) traditional club sandwiches have three slices of bread instead of two, (2) it's a sandwich in a nightCLUB.
Nah, looks like she's already in a club sandwich, let's find some fresh meat

The Club Sandwich

When a man put his sausage between a woman's roast beef curtains and her buns, and then leaves a nice squirt of ranch dressing or mayo for the girl.
The bitch was hungry, so I gave that ho a club sandwich!

Club Sandwich

Similar to a threesome but involves 5 people, 3 male and 2 female, in a stack arrangement that resembles a Club Sandwich. In order to hold the stack together one of the women must wear a strap-on otherwise known as the 'toothpick' in the sandwich.
Could my two friends and I interest you ladies in a Club Sandwich?

Club Sandwich

When a pair of breasts have sagged to the point that you can fornicate with both the breasts and vagina at once. Depending upon the age of the 'sandwich meat', you may be able to introduce a prolapsed or distended anus as another condiment, thus making a Club Deluxe Sandwich. Most sandwiches come 'sans mayo' but that, being the point in engaging in said activity, is usually easily remedied with a quick glazing.
"Slide that diaper down real slow, put the walker over there. I'll plug in your Rascal... there. Now lets touch your toes and have a Club Sandwich."

Club Sandwich

A bruise or discomfort on or around the vagina. Mainly due to running into the corner of a table, doorknob, or by excessive vaginal intercourse.
Ouch, don't touch me there Mark, I got a Club Sandwich yesterday. OUCH! I just Club Sandwiched myself on this coffee table.




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