

俚语 cluck cluck

cluck cluck

the sound you make when a chickenhead is present
When Julie came out after sucking 5 consecutive dicks in the shag room, Sam instantly started making pecking motions and yelling, "Cluck cluck! Cluck cluck!"


The act of selling anything and or everything one owns to support their meth addiction.
That Tweeker is clucking her baby's formula for a nickel of shit.That Ho just tried to cluck her baby's formula for a nickel of shit,I asked her for a blow-job instead.

Cluck Cluck

A shortened version of the response to "Quack quack seat back", usually when small children are around. Full phrase is "Cluck cluck, i dont give a fuck"
Person 1: I gotta go to the bathroom, quack quack seat back

Person 2: *takes seat* CLUCK CLUCK

The Cluck Cluck Taco

a phrase to discretely describe sexual intercourse.
girl: omg my periods late... what if i’m pregnant!!!!!
girl #2: idk have you done the cluck cluck taco




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