

俚语 coaster's


When a basketball player is going coast-to-coast and dunks on someone on the other team for an easy bucket
Did you see John Wall's coasterizer last night? He destroyed Deandre Jordan.


1) A unusable Compact Disc which failed during a "burn" process, its only use is now a COASTER

2) A witty and highly attractive person


The feeling you get after you've been on a bunch of roller coasters and when you get off you still feel like you're on one.
"Bro, after I spent the day at Six Flags I was suffering from major Coasteritis."


Any disc recieved from America Online that contains its product. Since using the programs represents a net inefficiency for your time, it is better to use them as coasters that you can set your drinks on, lest you damage a wood or other valuable surface.
I got so many AOL 9.0 coasters last month, I glued them to my ceiling and now it's shiny, disco-style.


Anything put under a cold drink to avoid rings of mist on the table.
I'll have a scotch on the rocks with a twist, and a coaster.


A girl that won't let you have sex with her (won't let you get the wood wet).
1) I'm not paying for your meal tonight because you're a fucking coaster.

2) E: I heard Vincy fucked Amanda after the party the other night.
J: No fucking way. That girl is a coaster.

the coaster

Snorting a mixed line of oxycontin and cocaine, that you setup before you passed out, as soon as you wake up in the morning.
Me: Hey you seem pretty relaxed this morning
You: Yeaaaaaah brah, I woke up and rode the coaster this morning.
Me: I think your nose is bleeding....
You: Riiiiiiiiight on.




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