Cocaine Cowgirl
Drop dead gorgeous gringa married to a prestigious Colombian cocaine cowboy who smuggles cocaine across the US. She has an enormous coke habit and wouldn't give you time of day on any given day because she thinks her money and prestige make her so much better than you...even wears a diamond spoon and razor around her gold chain to help her snort her blow. She remains trapped in a counterfeit identity. Stay far, far away.
Don't mess with a cocaine cowgirl or you'll risk getting blown away.
Cocaine Cowgirl
A girl that makes you feel AMAZING while you have her, but she always leaves you wanting more and in the end, she disappears.
Snowblind: I think I'm falling for Betty, man.
Straight: Don't, dude. She's a Cocaine Cowgirl. Just enjoy it while it lasts and try not to miss it when it's gone.
Straight: Don't, dude. She's a Cocaine Cowgirl. Just enjoy it while it lasts and try not to miss it when it's gone.