

俚语 cock a doodle


a morning boner or hard-on
Thank god it was Saturday; Mike woke me up with such a cockadoodle, we made love all morning!

cockadoodle dooed

This is when a woman is awakened by either her husband or boyfriend's cock in her mouth. The act of cockadoodle dooing is usually accompanied by the man yelling " COCKADOODLE DOO! " immediately proceeding cock insertion.
My girlfriend was pissed this morning after she had been cockadoodle dooed.

Cockadoodle Deuce

Having to take a shit first thing in the morning
First thing this morning i had to take a Cockadoodle deuce.


A fine girl that you think about being intimate with ALL the time but the negatives of doing so could far out weigh the positives.
ie; venereal disease, best friends wife, your boss, midget, reputation for being a clingy psycho, convicted violent felon, under-age, fat, it could break up the band.
I think I could have fucked my bosses 17 year old daughter but she is a cockadoodle-don't!


The extreme & bizarre sexual act, where your girlfriend takes a good mouthful, and implodes, spraying semen-like dandruff everywhere. She then pulls on her nipples, and ties a noose and your neck with them, virtually hanging you. She them pulls her legs around your neck, reviving you. She then wrenches her thighs back, exploding pubic hair up your nostril. She then leans back and ends the whole thing off by making a limmerick about Amanda Vanstone and a giant lemon. If you haven't reached some form of orgasm by now, you're impotent.
"Yeah, that's what they all say."


a person who loves to be funny but isnt fucking funny and accidently is a dick
bro stop being a fucking cockadoodle
isnt that a dog breed?
no its fucking you


(noun): A group of people who are excessively proud and boastful, often to the point of arrogance. The term is derived from the behavior of roosters, who are known for their loud and cocky calls. Cockadoodles are characterized by their tendency to strut around and brag about their accomplishments, often at the expense of others.
"I can't stand being around those cockadoodles at the gym. They're always flexing and showing off their muscles, like they're the only ones who know how to lift weights."




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