Cock Bash
The action of violently punching your cock and balls until you cum.
If you bleed during the process you just become more lubed.
If you bleed during the process you just become more lubed.
David: *Cock Bashes Grant.
Grant: David what the fuck stop you know I can’t cum!
Grant: David what the fuck stop you know I can’t cum!
cock bash
when you wake up in the middle of the night with wood and run into your roommate on the way to the batheroom who always has wood. the bashing of cocks is the result.
greg: umm yah about last night....
mike: yah man dont worry about it
greg: it was my fault entirely
mike: well thats not the first time ive been cock bashed.
greg: i hate cock bash
mike: yah man dont worry about it
greg: it was my fault entirely
mike: well thats not the first time ive been cock bashed.
greg: i hate cock bash