

俚语 cock bum

cock and bum fun

any anal sex that involves a penis in the ass
He has his cock in her ass

cock and bum fun

a sexual act performed by two males. one male inserts his erect penis into the other males anus - cock and bum part of the scenario
whilst they both enjoy the sensations -the so called "fun" part of the scenario
"check them dirty homo's goin for a bit of cock and bum fun"

"mafanwee, i need cock and bum fun, but im the only gay in the village!"

Bum Cock

Let's have some bum cock

cock my bum

An expression of abject surprise; the user is so shocked that he/she has transcended the boundary between noun and verb and utilsed the word 'cock' as the latter.
Prima: Dude, Elly just pissed all over your cat while it was sleeping.

Secunda: Cock my bum.

bum cock

When you've been having bareback anal sex and your penis has slight fecal residue.
"Ew man, you better wash off that bum cock before coming back to bed"

cock ass bum dick shit fuck

An insult towards others, trying to use as many cursing words/syllables as posible. This may simply be the base for an even longer string of obscenities
Bob: "I just lit my bin on fire!"
Frank: "You cock ass bum dick shit fuck."

cock bum





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