(noun) an insult used to express an extremely stupid or asshole move.
Greg, why would you light Nick's towel on fire, you cockdick!
a stupid ass who does stupid things. this term is good to use when observing morons driving, when you have been cut off in traffic, or when observing any other stupid idiotic act by any male.
look at that cockdick in that honda, he thinks it's a race car.
that cockdick just ran that red light.
that cockdick just ran that red light.
A derogitory term used when putting a male victim down. This word simple means penispenis, but also means that the person is a dick or a douche bag.
Male Victim: "I plowed your girlfriend bro."
You: "You're a cockdick!"
You: "You're a cockdick!"
When you get your dick stuck in a door preferably the keyhole like lockpicking it's called Cockdicking.
Yeah, Johnny was up the street with his willytang stuck Cockdicking that door.