

俚语 cock dropping

Cock Dropping

The process of dunking ones penis into a persons beverage as punishment for leaving it unattended.
HaHa he is cock dropping that guys pint!

cock drop

When a male (obviously) is hit in his genital region and drops to the floor.
"Dude, stop being an ass or I'll have to cock drop you"

Cock Drop

The act of violently slamming your cock onto a table. Usually a sign of anger and an attempt to show his male dominance. Not to be confused with a cock slap which is the act of slapping ones face with your cock.
Johnny hit a loud cock drop the other day. I thought he was about to beat the shit out of me.

Cock Drops

Another way of saying Viagra
"Got any cock drops on you?"

cock drop

When 2 or more opponents engage in a contest on who has the most superior penis. Usually by length size, but girth also places a crucial roll in some situations . Penis must be in flaccid state. All opponents who are called out will and must accept challenge or the assumption that that person has a small penis will be given.
Jeff- "Alright you guys I know I have the biggest penis in this room lets Cock Drop."

Cock Drop

A raffle / gambling game where a rooster is dropped into an inclosed pen with a numbered grid is the floor. Tickets are sold / money bet on a number on the grid. The lucky winner bet on the number was shot on by the rooster. 50% of the bets goes to the winner and 50% goes to the non-profit organizer of the cock drop.
You going to the cock drop on the Farm tonight?

Cock Drop

When a man drops his (hung) penis onto a surface (usually a wooden table), and it creates a satisfying *thud*.
"Guys, did you hear my sick cock drop earlier? it was so satisfying!"




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更新时间:2024/9/21 2:37:14