

俚语 cock hungry

Cock Hungry

when a girl wants to have sex under any circumstances. She'll do anything to have someones dick.
"that bitch be hella Cock Hungry"

"Sally fucked Eddie at the park because she was feeling cock hungry"

"Khazi is hella fucken cock hungry"

cock hungry

when one is cock hungry, one lusts for penis in the oral region
mrs hatfield was very cock hungry until mr worms approached and eased his seamen down her deprived oesophigus

cock hungry

to be gagging for cock in mouth, or to be rammed from behind with a nice stiff cock
miss west was so cock hungry, she ran into assembly, pulled down a year 7 students cacks, and shoved their cock right up her jacksie!

cock hungry

Generalized term for those women in porno scenes that go for it totally, without reservation, no matter what the guy(s) do to them; often begging for more cock, harder, faster and deeper
That three guy on girl scene was so hot cause the girl in it was so cock hungry. She looked like she really liked it.

cock hungry

to want to have sexual relations with another man's penis
If I were a cock hungry girl I would become an engineer; the guy to girl ratio is at least 15 to 1. Think of the possibilities!

Cock Hungry Slut

A "cock hungry slut" (CHS) is a predatory female in constant search of the male nether region. As a rule, she usually presents herself as a nice girl with excellent morals and standards. Yet contradictory to this fake external persona, she is a master of prowling all snakes behind the zipper.

It is safe to say that she is not a slut, skank or whore... yet will show boys up in the bedroom and teach them a thing or two.
That Steph girl is a Cock Hungry Slut! What a catch

Cock Hungry Monster

Any teenage boy who is always looking for some big tasty cock to eat. You can sometimes distinguish them buy just hearing there name, like, "nathan" or "dakari" "sometimes even "jake", "ryan", or a big one, "thom" Cock Hungry Monsters are not just limited to these names, there is a much wider variety of people and names even going into other races.
Some pick up lines include, "hey, whats up?" or "Hey, I gotta go to the bathroom, wanna come with me?" "Im hungry does someone have some cock to feed me?"
George: That cock hungry monster is always trying to fuck his twin brother.
Albert: Wow, that sounds pretty gay.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 23:30:25