

俚语 cock-monkey

Cock Monkey

May be considered vulgar or insulting to some. Someone that likes to climb and / or hang from a cock or cocks.
She might not like to hear me say this others but my girlfriend truly is a cock monkey.

Cock Monkey

someone who loves to fuck, suck, and ride cock; acting in a way as to be a complete idiot
she acts like a cock monkey around me

Cock Monkey

Stupid drivers who cut you off, fail to use a turn signal, go 20 miles under the speed limit, and/or go 20 miles over the speed limit. Then they give you dirty looks and/or yell at you like it was your fault they were born a natural moron.
These Texas drivers are a bunch of cock monkeys.
That cock monkey cut me off at Division St. then flipped me off.

Cock Monkey

A person of dubious ancestral background (i.e. closer to Neanderthal than is entirely comfortable) who sets themselves low standards and consistently fails to achieve them.
That George, he's a right Cock Monkey. I bet he couldn't even keep a McJob!

Cock Monkey

A term of endearment often used to refer to a person or object. Cock Monkey can carry a negative connotation as well, but is often used to show affection towards one another. A cock monkey is ofter a hairy sexy beast.
Last night while cuddling with him, I rubbed my hands through his chest hair. I love my little cock monkey!

cock monkey

See also: prick, dick, twat, arse monkey, cock meister, cock gobbler.

An idiot of immense proportion, usually amazingly arrogant and annoying.

Also used affectionately.
Insult: (Spills your pint while dancing like a epileptic making toast in the bath) "You fookin' cock monkey!"

Affec: (You best mate shows you a polaroid of him teabagging you) "Aahhh, yah cock monkey!"

cock monkey

One who swings from cock to cock like a monkey swings from branch to branch.
Jason sprayed me again with an upside-down can of compressed air...what a cock monkey.;




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