

俚语 cock o’clock

Cock o’clock

Commonly known as the men’s witching hours. Spooky time between 10pm and 2am . During this time men who hardly acknowledge your existence or talk to you can be found trying to make plans. We all know why wink wink. Be warned you must stay away at all cost for your safety and sanity they are no longer human the cock demon has possessed them.
Person 1: girl who’s messaging you at this time your phone has been dry all night nuh uh let me see

Person 2: give me my phone back bitch I ain’t going nowhere I know it’s cock o’clock

Person 1: mhmm you said that last time

cock o’clock

Cock O’Clock is when you spin your cock around clockwise onto a girl’s/guy’s face
Omg girl, I knew it was cock o’clock when he started spinning his dick around !




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更新时间:2024/9/20 19:24:42