

俚语 cock rubber

Cock Rubber

a woman whore like woman who instead of being an actual whore gives out only handjobs but gives them more willy nilly than a whore would sex
guy 1: "man that slut gave me a handjob within the first fifteen minutes

guy 2: "Ohh she's gotta be a cock rubber

Cock Rubber

A whore like woman who instead of fucking multiple men, she prefers to give them hand jobs, and is so experienced that the men don't mind getting a hand job instead of pussy.
guy 1: Yo dude did u get with that hick from the bar last night.

guy 2: Yea man but she just gave me hand job.

guy 1: Man that sucks.

guy 2: No i didn't mind she was a total Cock Rubber

Cock Rubber D

Legendary underground soul/funk dj.
Cock Rubber D spins vinyl with his 12". Cock rubber D has mad spinning skillz. Cock rubber d brought the house down last night, with his 12". pljr's favorite deejay.

Fuck cock, did you bring your balls with you into work today?

Rubber Cock Wallup

Ahhh, revenge for the ladies. This is the smacking, or slapping of a dildo or strap-on cock, usually in a 'take that' kind of way...but distributed by a female to a male. The face, again, is a great spot for a Rubber Cock Wallup, but any spot on the body is acceptable.
Ha ha...I was right, you were wrong...now ya get a Rubber Cock Wallup.

Rubber Cock Wallup

Ahhh, revenge for the ladies. This is the smacking, or slapping of a dildo or strap-on cock, usually in a 'take that' kind of way...but distributed by a female to a male. The face, again, is a great spot for a Rubber Cock Wallup, but any spot on the body is acceptable.
Ha ha...I was right, you were wrong...now ya get a Rubber Cock Wallup.

Rubber Cock Sock Beatdown

Blow your load into a condom, proceed to place 2 D batteries inside, and take turns striking each others face.
We went four rounds of Rubber Cock Sock Beatdown before she finally knocked me out.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 20:47:56