

俚语 cocks block

Cocks Block

Verb: When a group of guys are simultaneously hitting on a girl and another guy enters in and simultaneously manages to cock block the entire group.
Marlon, Ash, and Baby J were all trying to get with that cute blonde at the bar when Shahty walked up and stole their thunder. He was such a cocks block.

cock block

One who prevents another from scoring sexually.
Trudy and Dan frequently had time alone but her cockblocking roommate ruined any chances they had to have sex.

cock blocked

1) The prevention of a potential hook-up. Either done by a jealous friend/douschebag, or by an overprotective friend (Mother Hen) of the girl involved in potential hook up. (see game killer.

2) The act of "cutting" at a 4-way stop sign and "cock-blocking" someone who has waited thier turn at a stop sign.
1) Guy 1: I'd really like to see you again.
Girl 1: I don't have to go home tonight.
Guy 2: Hey Carl, remember that time you shit yourself?
Girl 1: Ummm... I have somewhere to be...

2) This dumbass in a drivers ed car just cock blocked me at the stop sign. So I tailgated the fucker till he ran of the road, it was my turn at the stop sign, he needs to learn his place.


1. (n.) A result of a friend, stranger, or acquaintance making sexual relations or intercouse impossible (by accident or purposely) with a member of the same or opposite sex.
2. (v.) To make the act of having sexual relations with a member of the same or opposite sex impossible (by accident or on purpose.)
1. "Last night I was chillin' wit Shorty at a party, when some dude walked into the wrong room and she didn't feel like doin' it no more...I was an unfortunate victim of cock-block.

2. "Last night I saw James tryin' to hook up wit Jenny and he knows I like her! So, before she left wit him to the other room, I told her that he has Herpes. Next time I talk to him I'm sure he gonna wanna kick my ass for cock-blocking him."


interupting on a buddy or someone while he is trying to get with a girl
Wow, that guy is being a real cock-block.

cock block

One who prevents another from scoring with very hot girls.
Carrie cock blocked Dave by not leaving him alone with that really hot girl.

cock blocking

To hinder, by whatever means, the chances of another male from getting a sexual encounter with a female.
Man, will you get da fuck outta here and stop cock blocking me you Ja Rule loving parasite.




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