

俚语 cock shed

Cock shed

It's a crap your version than a hen house and it's for Roosters instead of the chicken
Hey guys have you seen the fox hanging around the cock shed?

Cock shed theory

Cock shed theory

my theory is that the cock and balls are a second type of skin second to the skin we normally have which is more delicate so that we can feel pleasure during sexual intercourse (which is why fondling with balls during oral is a known move since the balls are more delicate than the cock) so when shampoo or body wash is used aggressively on the cock and ball skin it starts to become swollen. It becomes swollen because it is an unsafe substance when used in large amounts on a delicate part of the body. After that the cock and balls can't take it anymore and try to make new skin. Which is why my dick was molting during the hot Sudanese summer of 2017.
You hear about Jeb? He said he tested out the Cock Shed Theory and it ended up happening to him too.




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