

俚语 cocksmock

cock smock

a paper towel, tissue, pizza box or any other drapery used to keep the lap dry during a road-spank. Typically a hole is punched through the center of the paper towel through which one's member is passed. The user is then free to flog without worry of stained pants, after which the load is wrapped in the smock and discarded at the next rest stop or fast-food restaurant.
On my last drive across Wyoming, I must have burned through 5 cock smocks.

cock smock

Another word for a condom or similar penile protection devices.
B.Turek-"Hey I gotta pretty hot date tonight with that girl from the hospital."

J.Causey-"Shit man that sounds like a industrial-jungle-pussy-punk of a good time, but you got protection?"

B.Turek-"No worries man, I got my cock smock."

cock smock

a condom
She wasn't on the pill, so I had to wrap on a cock smock.

Cock Smock

Adj. To describe someone's dick that is wearing a condom ,or A really Gay painter.
" Did you suck his cock smock?"
" No i decided to wait "




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