

俚语 cock smoothie

cock smoothie

cut his cock off and blend it with strawberries

delicious !
girl 1: tommy's dick looks so good
girl 2: id love to make a cock smoothie out of it!

Cock-shit Smoothie

When someone shits in another person's mouth, then shoves there cock in that persons mouth, while also swirling it around making the shit into a smoothie type material.
I'm going to make a cock-shit smoothie out of you if you keep saying that.

cock smoothie

When 3 or more guys out their dicks in a cup, then add fruit, milk, and ice. Then, it is stirred with the dicks in the cup. A 4th person then drinks it through a straw. Blowjob optional.
hey ben, dillion, jamie, and austin, come over here and take your dicks out to make me a cock smoothie




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