

俚语 cock wall

cock wall

1) n. One who directly or indirectly prevents five or more people from obtaining sexual gratification either intentionally or accientally.

2) v. To directly or indirectly prevent five or more people from obtaining sexual gratification, intentionally or otherwise.
1)My roommate is such a cock wall. He broke up the party just when the sorority girls got there.

2) Your mom really cock walled us all when she came home early and stopped the orgy.

Cock and ball wall

When you have a line of guys covering your girlfriend so it allows a wall to be created. This will prevent anyone from the outside to see you getting deepthroated by your significant other.
Guy number 1: have you heard of the cock and ball wall?
Guy number 2: yeah I have! I heard that it was done in the school!
Guy number 1: bobbi?
Guy number 2: bobbi.




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