

俚语 cock whipped

cock whipped

opposite of pussy whipped
Susie swallowed Jim's load when he threatened to dump her. He has her completely cock whipped

cock whipped

To be extremely whipped by your significant other.
Dan puts up with tons of crap from Bridget, he is so cock whipped.

cock whip

To belt a woman's face with your erect dick.
That chick's just asking for a cock whipping!

Cock Whip

When you surprise her with your hardened member covered in Cool Whip or generic whipped topping.
Step One: Take the lid off the whip.
Two: Put your junk in that whip.
Three: Make her lick off the whip

and that's the way you do Cock Whip!

Cock whipped

a condition whereby a man's ability to respond to lovers is controlled by the opinions and actions of his "bro group."
Lex: "have you heard from Julio lately? All I get is one word responses from him and no pics since he left for tour..."
Kendall: "me too!, I had to follow him to two shows just to get him to pay attention to me."
Rachael: "ladies, he's with his "bro's before Ho's group, also known as "cock whipped."




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