

俚语 cod bitch

Cod Bitch

Someone who plays Call of Duty 4 on X-box live or Playstation 3. They play non-stop and all they talk about is Call Of Duty. They talk to each other about how many kills they got and how they moved to colonel level 4. They eat, sleep, and live on this game.
People like bdog165 and Dockamo are Cod Bitch's

CoD bitch pwned

Someone who plays Call of duty and is very good unless they switch to a different FPS such as BFBC2 or CRYSIS 2 etc.
Guy:Dude i got owned playing bc2 so i switched to cod
Dude:so you CoD bitch pwned

COD Bitch

Any one that quick scopes, camps or constantly bitches about their team, but turns out to have the worst ratio in the match.
"That fuckin guy is camping in the corner."
"Mother fucker just a COD bitch."




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更新时间:2024/9/20 10:48:00