An epiphany, achieved solely through the insufflation/injection/absorption through any route of cocaine hydrochloride/any form of it, which is so potent it almost silences all other pre-existing prepositions in one's brain.
A: Everything flows, nothing stays the same. You can't step in the same river twice.
B: That is a cokeism, my friend. True. I know nothing else.
B: That is a cokeism, my friend. True. I know nothing else.
Cokeism is the teachings of the Coca-Cola that says Pepsi is the devil and Coca-Cola is god. In fact, in the Coca-Cola logo the red is the Coke and the white is the war between the religions Pepsism and Cokeism. Pepsism is basically Satanism by the way.
A:Hey do you believe in any God?
B:Oh yeah! My god is Coke!
A:Really theres a religion about it? It's literally a soda.
B:Yeah! Its called Cokeism!
A:Let me guess, the devil is Pepsi?
B:How'd you guess?? Of course it is.
B:Oh yeah! My god is Coke!
A:Really theres a religion about it? It's literally a soda.
B:Yeah! Its called Cokeism!
A:Let me guess, the devil is Pepsi?
B:How'd you guess?? Of course it is.
Cokeism is the teachings of the Coke god that says Pepsi is the devil and Coca-Cola is god. In fact, in the Coca-Cola logo,the red is the Coca-Cola and the white is the war between the religions Pepsism and Cokeism. Pepsism is basically Satanism by the way.
A:Yo what religion are you in?
B:Oh I'm in the cokeism religion! It's the religion about Coca-Cola!
A:I honestly prefer pepsi..
B:leave my sight.
B:Oh I'm in the cokeism religion! It's the religion about Coca-Cola!
A:I honestly prefer pepsi..
B:leave my sight.