Colgan Highschool
By far the whitest school school in Prince William County.
Chad: "Yo you see that chick with the pink hair?"
Brad: "She definitely goes to Colgan Highschool."
Brad: "She definitely goes to Colgan Highschool."
Colgan Highschool
Trashy white school filled with emo, white, attention seeking, assholes (Which are apparently self diagnosed with depression). Every corner you turn in this giant ass white privileged school, there's a trashy p.o.s. rolling their eyes or sucking each other's faces. There's also that group of mideasterns that cluster together and are louder than the top 3 metal rock bands.
White kid #1: Yo!!! Dab on em!!!
Only black kid at the school: Saaahn chill.
White kid #2: (Dabs repeatedly)
(Only at Colgan Highschool)
Only black kid at the school: Saaahn chill.
White kid #2: (Dabs repeatedly)
(Only at Colgan Highschool)