

俚语 colie's


A word to call a friend.

Hey coli, how's it going?

Throw me a drink will ya coli.
coli brother cuz man dude bala soley friend


adj; To be constantly full of speeling mistarks and grammer, errors,.!

n1: To have a legitimate reason for being cute and adorable. cute

To have the love of one fine lady Sam
n1: 'God that woman is one Hot Colie'


A name for a true savage who lives his live based on his morals. Usually people with the name Colis are fit as well
Colis, my son, you are amazing


The sexiest man alive!!!!!!!!!!!!


only the hottest guy around! man he is one sexy beast, not too mention funny and sweet! and one cute smile. absolutly dreamy. WOO!
damn colie is so F-ing HOTTTTTT!!!!!
he so CUTE!!!!!


niCOLIE.. heehee an awesome figure skating chickatee hahaha country ya right... well she tries to be! sprial like sasha haha amazing friend for over 5 years.. LOVE YA COLIE!
COLIE will win the olympics

E. coli

E. coli (full name Escherichia coli) is a gram-negative, rod-shaped bacterium. Contrary to popular belief, most strains of E. coli are harmless or even beneficial: many strains aid in our digestion. However, E. coli has gained a bad reputation from strain O157:H7, which can be present in hamburgers and occasionally causes severe disease.
I am happy to have many strains of Escherichia coli in my stomach right now, but I'd like to avoid E. coli O157:H7.




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