

俚语 collective-timing bias

Collective-timing bias

The collective-timing bias is a form of cognitive tendency to think in a certain way that consists of not understanding that a specific situation or task requires immediate decision by a single person while decision makers affected by collective-timing bias try, consciously or unconsciously, to waste time by sharing the potential decision with anyone around ignoring the fact that:
 most people do not have the power to take that decision;
 most people do not have interest in that decision making process;
 they are in overdue;
 they are paid for taking that decision.

A collective-timing bias is a powerful form of group-think.
A - “What do you think about the decision to buy that corporation? Your opinion is request by the decision-making process”

B - “What? I do not know. I am a handyman. No collective-timing bias please”

A - “Your opinion is very important. We need an immediate decision. The acquisition of that company is in danger”

B - “I do not know. I am a handyman. I do not have the power or the responsibility to decide on that acquisition. No collective-timing bias please”

A - “Thank you for your opinion. We will go on by following your orders.”




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更新时间:2024/9/20 8:08:19