

俚语 after-on


After-on when after sex or masturbation u still have a slight hard on that could easily be encouraged into a rageing hard on. usually uncomfortable if u go to sleep with it as the slightest amoun of rubbing or wet dream will make it hard and uncomfortable.
i had to have a midnight wack off session becuase i was stupid enough to go to sleep with an after-on.


the chilled out relaxed after-'party' usually with a handful close friends after a bigger party and/or clubnight

can last way into the next day, often involving lots of alcohol, naughty illegal consumables, something funny/trippy on the telly and lovely afters music
"hey man, what are you doing for afters?"

"afters at yours, yeah?"

"fucking love me some afters, best part of a night out"

"save some of that ket for afters mate!"


(n) - A concise, clever statement you don't think of until it's too late
"D*mn why do I think of good comebacks after arguements. Stupid Afterism."


When you re-wear a piece of clothing without washing, febreezing, or rubbing deodorant on it when you really should.
I hate to be the one to tell you this but you've been aftering your ex girlfriends scarf for two weeks now. Its getting out of hand dude.

But if I wash it her scent won't be on it anymore.

Don't try and tell me she smells like rotten cup of noodles and burnt hair.


Illegal after-hours drinking in a pub/bar, after closing time. The landlord leaves the cash till open so any official outside can not hear it being opened and cash being put into it. Afters drinkers are the select few of the regular pub clientele. Used in Yorkshire, northern England
"I don´t believe in afters, because I never get invited."


Thinking of a witty statement, comeback, or argument, but only after the opportunity has passed and the conversation has moved on to a new subject.
1. "Ya well at least 'I' wasn't in remedial math!"


"Y'know, about what you said earlier..."

"Man you've got some serious afterism goin on."

2. "Hey remember that cow we saw on the road back there? Well it looked like Jessic-"

"That was like half an hour ago?"

"Ya but... nevermind."


Probably the best fanfiction ever. Like, ever. It's amazing and even if you think One Direction is the faggiest band in the world, you have to admit that after reading After 1, 2, and 3, you have completely lost your innocence, sense of direction, and mind all at once. Anna Todd is a magical miracle worker and her writing skills make white girls all over the world scream and pant. I think I've made my point. :)
I told my friend to read After over the week and she came up to me on Monday and said to me "Jesus Christ, bless the author of this book, for she needs Jesus"




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