

俚语 columbas


Columba is the Genus, or Family Name Given to All Types of Pigeon.
There are very many types of pigeon, and the Latin Name of each type begins with Columba.
They are intelligent enough to have the ability to navigate very long
They mate for life, or until their mate dies, this shows loyalty.
The Huge Populations of Pigeons World-wide shows that they have had the intelligence to evolve and survive;
And Prosper!
Not all birds are as thick as chickens.
Columba Palumba means Wood-Pigeon.
Columba Livia means Rock-Dove:(The Common City Pigeon.)
There are Thirty or Forty Different Kinds of Pigeon, a few of which are now extinct.


A bunch of fuckwits
Look at that columba


When "exploring" what you think is virgin teritory when it is actually "owned" by someone else. Baisically doing a sexual act with someone you think is a virgin only to find out that she/he isn't!!
"Dude that girl last night, well i was Columbased!"
"hot damn!"


having sex with a virgin; exploring new teritory
last night that guy I made love too was a columbas

St Columbas

A school full of roadmen and gangbangers the olders in the school are klm sometimes and the year 7s in tht school are wet and butters always chasing for girls 🤮 Worst boys school in Bexleyheath
Girl: Yh my man goes to St Columbas

St Columbas

St Columbas is a catholic all boys school in Bexley all the gangbangers and road men are in that school and the year 7s in tht skl are wet and butters always chasing girls. 🤮
Girl: Yh my man goes st columbas

st columbas college

st columbas college is an expensive secondary school in Ireland full of people who don't know what public transport is and can't decide which Rolex to wear to dinner, sorry "supper". most students in the school are germans who get any moment of free time to smoke a fag or chug an entire bottle of wine.
they wear big harry potter gowns and wear white ones for special occasions like a sacrifice to Satan and they all gather in the church to sing some shitysongs and go home in their dad's gold incrusted landrover
Guy: you go to st columbas college
ME: yeah why

GUY: inst that really espensive harrt potter dress up school
ME: if you say so
Guy: you must be rich
me: ye fine




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