

俚语 combov


An attempt to hide hair loss on the head which has become obvious. Usually done by males. Usually looks worse than the baldness that the person is attempting to hide.
See vain.


Someone who goes to great lengths to become something they are not but result in only fooling themselves.
You know those high school kids who wear muscle shirts and gold chains, style their hair like a man-tiara, go tanning so much they look like someone dipped them in orange dye? They think they're cool but, nope, they're a bunch of combovers.


Man. If i was old and had a really big beer belly. glasses and spelled like cabbage. i would totally sport a combover. Combovers are awesome.

A combover is when a guy trys to hid his hair loss by taking one portion of his hair and combing it over the patch of lost hair.
I look into the mirror.
and tell me whos that funky dude starin' back at me?


A hairstyle that looks sweet on me.
"Hey nice Combover."


1. The act of combing one's hair over to a side usually used to hide hair loss and looks pretty gay. Commonly is associated with old men, people named Grayson, Paul, or Logan. They enjoy having the inside of their ass massaged. They are ALWAYS simps. They also have a distinct love for shoving sex toys so far up their ass they can't get it back out.
Yo, combover just fucking swallowed his dildo


scene//emo fringe. curves around your your face- eyes and most of forehead must not be seen or that's not SCENE.
Shaant Hacikyan from CIWWAF http://i147.photobucket.com/albums/r302/faceVSknife/Shaant%20Hacikyan/1.jpg

shaant hicikyan has the world bestest 'combover'


Cleveland Combover

A sexual act when one skeets on a woman's face near the forehead and she wipes it away as if she were creating a combover.
"Damn, John not only did you donkey punch her, but you also gave her the cleveland combover!"




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