

俚语 comfort ship

Comfort ship

Ship that makes you happy when its sad boi hours
Hanako × yashiro is my comfort ship, it makes me happy when im sad

Comfort Ship

A ship that gives you comfort when your sad, usually fictional.
Person a : What's your comfort ship?
Person b : Mine is Hajime/Kazuichi, what about you?

comfort ship

a ship that makes you feel better when you're being a mood
eremin is my comfort ship

Comfort Ship

A ship you resort to when you need to be comforted
Person 1: 'What's your comfort ship?'
Person 2: 'Don't judge me but, Skephalo'
Person 1: 'I- Are you a dream stan-"

Person 2: 'SHUT THE F-

comfort ship

A comfort ship is a ship that when you see content of, it can help boost your mood. It can also be a ship that you hold very close to you, and that you love so much that it radiates comfort. Basically, it's just a ship that gives you good vibes from their chemistry and interactions <3. There's also a good chance someones comfort ship might also be their OTP.

Note; A comfort ship doesn't need to be one without any angst. There are a lot of ships people say are their comfort ships that end up not happening and/or have angst in them. Nor does a comfort ship need any sad themes to be one.
Person 1: "Is this your comfort ship?"
Person 2: "Yup! It is <3. I love those two so much!!"




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更新时间:2024/9/21 10:35:58