

俚语 complimate


When you are trying to friendzone someone without being a complete cunt.
Ben really likes me but I don't know how to reject him without being harsh.

Just complimate him.

For example- You are a really great friend, but a shit lover.


Complimate is the process of passing a compliment post coitus
Example: "God shag love, have to complimate you for that one"


An insult disguised as a compliment used to secretly burn slower individuals. Can also be used to bait internet bullies who will foolishly think you tried to spell compliment
Paul: wow that was a really nice thing you said about tori
Me: nah fuck her it was a Complimate I meant the opposite of it. And I bet that bully Liz will foolishly pounce on it and make a fool of herself.

Paul: lol


Something meant to compliment.

A series of setups made to work together or compliment something else.

Harmonious, or having Harmony (Non-musical sense)
Your furniture has poor complimation.

Your character complimation is perfect to work with mine.


A compliMANt is a non homosexual compliment that a straight man receives from another straight man in regards to something such as looks or skills.
Jack- Hey Danny you look like you've gained a lot of muscle at the gym since you've been working out more.

Danny- Oh thanks for the compliMANt Jack.


A CD album of compliments
Will gave Sarah a complimation for her birthday.


when your friend is insulted about your remark but you only meant well.
Friend: What did you mean by that!!?
You! Hey!! it was a complimeant




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