

俚语 concentration


The act or process of concentrating, especially the fixing of close, undivided attention.
If you have great powers of concentration , that means you're able to focus all your attention on the matter at hand.


You will learn this in geometry.

Concentric means "sharing the same center". Con- = used multiple times, -Centric = center-related. (like cooperate: multiple people doing the same task)

So, it's like a dartboard or bullseye: the circles are all around the same point.

Something three-dimensional, like cylinders (water bottles, spray cans), may be coaxial.
The solar system is concentric. All the planets orbit the sun.

A properly set table has the bowls and plates concentric.


Orange juice with pulp without the juice
Don't drink that! That's lemonade concentrate! Not lemonade!


What they did to the jews
Person 1: Yo Hitler sent those Jews to concentration camp so they could think right?

Person 2: no nigga. They died
Person 1: damn


Euphemism for the delightful, ambrosial act of excreting; to shit.

See concentration.
"Hold on, I'm going to the bathroom, I need to concentrate."

"Yo, Imma gonna concentrate nigga".


focusing your attention on someone or something.
Tanvi and I had to concentrate to study for an exam.


to smoke weed before an activity
john: yo man whats up wit you
eric: i just concentrated




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