

俚语 concoction


An assortment of various edible material, mixed together in a plastic bag of any sort, proceded by mashing of the materials in the bag. The concoction is then dropped in the crowded hallways of Kingwood High School by the concoction triumvirate-Sam, Andy, and Chad.
"Don't step in that massive concoction brewed by the triumvirate!"


First, ejaculate all over the floor. Next, have your psycho bitch girlfriend menstruate on your semen. Stir it with your finger until you get a nice thick pink mixture. Proceed to paint yourselves up silly, just as if you were in kindergarten again.


To come up with/to create something.
Dano will concoct a plan to donkey punch Kim Kardashian.

the concoction

First, ejaculate all over the floor. Next, have your psycho bitch girlfriend menstruate on your semen. Stir it with your finger until you get a nice thick pink mixture. Proceed to paint yourselves up silly, just as if you were in kindergarten again.
I met this crazy chick last night and she wanted to make the concoction

The Cracky concoction

Pouring a drink down the bum crack of someone squatting naked while another person lays on the floor drinking the concoction.
Person 1: Did you hear what the boys made Perry do?

Person 2: No, what was it this time?

Person 1: They made him do the cracky concoction.
Person 2: Standard, he must have deserved it.

Chocolate Concoction

A.K.A. Diabetes in a bowl
A delicious desert treat invented and patented by the What's Your Beef? Food Stuffs Corp. It's ingredient's include a base of chocolate ice cream, topped with Cocoa Puffs, chocolate sprinkles, chocolate chips, and doused in chocolate milk. It is then stirred into a paste, which is then eaten.
"Oh dear god! I ate this chocolate concoction, and now I need my insulin! Quick! Oh God, I'm fading.... Someone..... grab the needle...... before its too....."

Conscious of your Concoction

How to survive a frat party: Pay attention to what you're drinking.
Girl: "I'm so hungover and I can't remember anything from last night. What did I drink?"
Other Girl: "I think vodka, gin, Fireball, maybe Windex. Girl you gotta be more conscious of your concoction or you'll end up waking up in a Mexican jail."




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